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By using deterministic data, we’re able to track real people. We know who they are. Once we know who they are, cookies no longer matter. A custom audience can be created from this data on every major ad platform at any time.
Our proprietary ID graph has 2.5 device id’s and 2 e-mail addresses for 280 million Americans. We have a network of sensors across billions of URLs that Tessy uses to gather behavioral data and resolve identify. Our recontact technology has been in development for over 7 years and our match rate is up to 75%.
So you’ve heard about cookies right? When you visit a website or a product then you start seeing that product or companies ads everywhere you go online, that is a cookie targeting you. That cookie expires in 30 days. But now you will own that cookie data of that person and target them whenever and however you’d like.
You’ll get a CSV file and hash data, which a 32 character line and encryption, that hash line represents the data of the user. You can decrypt that hash data into; name – email – phone – address.
With cookie-based targeting, your campaigns must take place within a specific time window — the length of time before a cookie expires and your prospect essentially vanishes. This forces you into a sales cycle dictated not by what makes the most sense from a marketing standpoint, but by what is required by a cookie.
The ability to market to your prospects anytime, anywhere, according to your schedule, not an ad platform’s schedule.
Even agencies that are really good at targeting can’t get the results we can. The reason? No advertising platform, not even Facebook, offers the ability to specifically target select individuals based such granular behaviors as we can when we use our tactics.
Option A; We give you the data file and you pass it to your in house marketing team, and are already experts in Paid Ads platforms, email marketing, direct mail and ringless voicemail.
Option B; We cover everything; the data file, the landing page, the Ad designs, the conversions, the Ad copy and the Ad budget.
Once you sign-up and payment is made, between 7 to 10 days, we will get the First Hash File, by then the Ad designs, and Landing Page are ready to go and we get the campaign started.
Can your retargeting pixel send e-mail, direct mail or ringless voicemails to your unknown website visitors now? As far as we know, we’re the only B2C recontact technology that can do this now.
90% of Tessy’s capabilities are used for new customer acquisition. No CRM data necessary. No expired cookies to worry about. 100% Privacy Compliant. 100% CAN-SPAM compliant.
There are certain restrictions that apply. Things like online traffic quantity, ability to convert using proper marketing techniques, and being able to handle a rise in business volume is certainly a conversation we recommend you have with our data team. Tess is not a fit for every company.
Check out Tessy case studies here
This only works in USA territory, so we don’t even track EU data.
3 month contract.
Starting in 2009 with only one customer, we’ve expanded into a full-blown digital marketing agency providing outstanding services to thousands of companies.
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